We provide a specialty driver assessment service for people following medical illness, injury or disability and which may impact on the person's ability to drive. This service aims to enhance a person's safety and independence, helping the person to keep an active lifestyle. Our goal is to enable you or your family member to begin or return to driving safely and legally.
We will work with you to access any available funding and support you to begin or return to driving!
We are industry leaders & are able to use our experience to tailor our services to your individual needs. Our service incorporates latest evidence and conducts on-going research and quality improvement. We volunteer our time to input into a range of policy and environmental factors shaping this area of practice & to make your experience better, year after year.
Conducted by Nationally Certified Driver Occupational Therapists
The OT Driving Assessment may be required to:
>> Determine how a person's medical condition might impact on their ability to drive
>> Assess a person's ability to drive (determine physical & cognitive capacity)
>> Recommend appropriate vehicle modifications & provide training in their use
>> Assess work related driving capacity (including commercial vehicle licenses);
>> Assess a person's suitability to begin or continue driving a heavy vehicle, motor bike or other class of vehicle licence
>> Help an individual with an acquired or congenital disability begin driving
>> Complete an ergonomic assessment to determine the best driving posture and facilitate improved driving performance
>> Help identify relevant alternative transport options to ensure the person can continue to access the community and maintain the person's independence
>> Determine how a person's medical condition might impact on their ability to drive
>> Assess a person's ability to drive (determine physical & cognitive capacity)
>> Recommend appropriate vehicle modifications & provide training in their use
>> Assess work related driving capacity (including commercial vehicle licenses);
>> Assess a person's suitability to begin or continue driving a heavy vehicle, motor bike or other class of vehicle licence
>> Help an individual with an acquired or congenital disability begin driving
>> Complete an ergonomic assessment to determine the best driving posture and facilitate improved driving performance
>> Help identify relevant alternative transport options to ensure the person can continue to access the community and maintain the person's independence
Our OT Driving Assessments are conducted in 3 parts
Part 1 - Clinical (off-road) Assessment
The Clinical (off-road) Assessment comprises of a series of clinical assessments and is conducted by a Certified Driver Occupational Therapist. This is a comprehensive assessment process which reviews the relevant skills required for driving, targeting any limitations that may impact on the driving task. This is completed in our clinic and normally takes between 60 and 90 minutes to complete.
The Off-Road (Clinical) Assessment is comprised of the following:
The information from the clinical assessments is used to determine whether equipment, car modifications, driving aids or specialist driving techniques need to be trialled during the 'On-Road' practical component of the driving assessment.
Part 2 - Practical (on-road) Evaluation
The on-road assessment is completed in conjunction with a Certified Driver Occupational Therapist & Certified Driving Instructor with experience in rehabilitation. Use of a dual controlled vehicle is necessary for safety and a standard automatic or standard manual vehicle can be arranged for the assessment. If required, a vehicle with appropriate vehicle modifications or driving aids can be arranged for trial depending on your needs.
Our team is aware that completing a driving assessment is a stressful experience. We will allow time for you to become familiar with the vehicle both when stationary and when initially driving through quiet driving environments. The assessment commences in quieter streets and may progress to more complex situations depending on your driving requirements. |
The Occupational Therapist assesses the impact of your medical condition(s) on your ability to drive safely and legally. To ensure the assessment is objective, assessments are completed over a standard route. The on-road assessment may include controlled and uncontrolled intersections, roundabouts, giveway and stop signs, pedestrian crossings, multi-lane highways with lane changes, shopping areas, school zones and some driving manoeuvres (such as parking or turning the vehicle around etc.). When appropriate, feedback is provided during the assessment in order to give the driver the opportunity to improve his/her driving performance.
The outcome of the assessment will be discussed with you following the on-road driving assessment. Where required, a Driver Rehabilitation Program is agreed upon. You are provided with a Driving Assessment Outcome Summary on completion of the assessment, and a report written by the Occupational Therapist is sent to the Licensing Authority, treating medical practitioner and other recipients as agreed with you at the commencement of the assessment.
The outcome of the assessment will be discussed with you following the on-road driving assessment. Where required, a Driver Rehabilitation Program is agreed upon. You are provided with a Driving Assessment Outcome Summary on completion of the assessment, and a report written by the Occupational Therapist is sent to the Licensing Authority, treating medical practitioner and other recipients as agreed with you at the commencement of the assessment.
Part 3 - Driver Rehabilitation
In addition to the assessment, the Occupational Therapist may develop a Driver Rehabilitation Program targeting recovery of skill based changes as a result of the person's medical illness, injury or disability. This series of Driving Rehabilitation Lessons may be conducted by one of our specialty Driver Rehabilitation Therapists who have experience in rehabilitation and driver training, helping to facilitate a quick and safe return to driving.
Possible Outcomes of the Assessment
- Maintain your current licence status
- Recommend a short course of driving lessons or further driver rehabilitation
- Recommend appropriate vehicle modifications or driving aids and a short course of driving lessons in the safe and legal use of the vehicle modifications or driving aids
- Issue a temporary Class C licence in order to participate in Driver Rehabilitation
- Downgrade your licence from a heavy vehicle or motor bike licence to a C Class licence, prior to further assessment in these vehicles
- Suspension of your licence to enable further medical recovery
- Recommend driver cessation and consider alternatives to driving. This is a decision which involves the Occupational Therapist, the Doctor, and the Department of Transport. The Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment is designed to obtain information about the person's driving abilities and enable the person to return to driving safely & legally.
After the assessment
Following the assessment, the Occupational Therapist will complete an Outcome Summary Form documenting the outcome of your driving assessment with recommendations regarding your licensing status. You will receive a copy of this form immediately following your assessment.
Your Occupational Therapist will then write a comprehensive report outlining the results from the clinical assessments and observations from the on road assessment, providing recommendations to yourself, your referrer, your medical practitioner, and the Department of Transport. Please allow 10-15 working days for your report to be completed.
The Department of Transport will then review the recommendations and determine if any further information is required prior to processing your application. The Department of Transport will advise you of the outcome of your application or if any further information is requested. At times, the Department of Transport will require further medical clearance from your referring doctor and your doctor may make an appointment with you to discuss the outcome of the assessment.
Your Occupational Therapist will then write a comprehensive report outlining the results from the clinical assessments and observations from the on road assessment, providing recommendations to yourself, your referrer, your medical practitioner, and the Department of Transport. Please allow 10-15 working days for your report to be completed.
The Department of Transport will then review the recommendations and determine if any further information is required prior to processing your application. The Department of Transport will advise you of the outcome of your application or if any further information is requested. At times, the Department of Transport will require further medical clearance from your referring doctor and your doctor may make an appointment with you to discuss the outcome of the assessment.