We provide a specialty service for people following a medical illness, disability or injury which may impact on their ability to drive. This service aims to enable people to begin or return to driving safely & legally. This service may involve a comprehensive assessment conducted by one of our Occupational Therapists who has completed a nationally recognised post-graduate driver training qualification and/or may involve driver rehabilitation with one of our specialty driver rehabilitation therapists. |
Services Provided:
We provide people-centred rehabilitation services for people following a medical illness, neurological disorder, disability, illness or injury & which may impact on their ability to complete activities or occupations around the home or in the community. Our Occupational Therapists are experienced in remediation, neuro-rehab and capacity skill building/ retraining & work with people to overcome limitations experienced as a result of their condition. |
Our rehabilitation services aim to maximise participation in chosen daily activities such as grocery shopping, dressing, community mobility or succeeding in work/ studies. Interventions are goal directed working towards client and family centred outcomes.
After making a thorough assessment to establish any motor, sensory, cognitive, psychological or social limitations, our therapists will set realistic client-centred goals with you. A tailor-made remediation program is developed to enable the individuals to achieve their goals. The therapy is practical in nature and takes place wherever would be most useful to integrate therapy into everyday life (we can come to you!). To maximise the success of the rehabilitation program, it is also important to involve family and carers to tailor a program that can be integrated into the persons day to day routines. The emphasis is on using existing skills, developing/ improving abilities and using compensation strategies where appropriate.
Interventions may include advice and training in the use of adaptive equipment and techniques to manage everyday tasks. If cognitive changes are experienced we can develop programs around planning, organisational and memory strategies to enable a person to become more independent in day to day tasks. We can also provide education and advice on how to cope with physical and psychological effects of a condition.
Services Provided:
We provide community based services & experienced Occupational Therapists to assess your home environment, equipment, aids and/or rehabilitation needs.
We will visit you at your home, work or place or residence. Our Occupational Therapists will:
- Give advice on specialised equipment, its safe use & purchase information in regard to suppliers of appropriate equipment;
- Give detailed information regarding home modifications & access (major and minor);
- Develop rehabilitation programs to assist people to return to their daily activities;
- Identify falls hazard spots around the home and provide falls education information;
- Provide education on safe and efficient ways to perform your daily activities;
- Provide information on appropriate assistance programs/ community resources.
Services Provided Include:
We provide assessment, trial and prescription of equipment, aids and appliances & assistive technology options to help you achieve a safe, active and independent lifestyle.
Services Provided Include:
We also provide experienced Occupational Therapists to conduct thorough, accurate & comprehensive assessments of an individual's function following injury, trauma, illness, disease or disability.
Here, our 'expert witness' practitioners will provide a comprehensive report providing documentation following assessment of the present and anticipated future care, treatment and rehabilitation, modification, appliance and equipment requirements. Our evidence based approach, combined with extensive clinical experience assists our clients to achieve exceptional outcomes.
Services Provided Include:
Still unsure what we do? Then please contact us and if we don't provide the service we will help you find a local provider! |